One of the fun activities we do with our new teachers is to talk about how quickly technology changes and how sometimes, we mistakenly think the future is so far away. To make this point, we presented our new teacher cohort with the image here.
It may be hard to believe, but we are closer to the date (2062) when The Jetsons is set than the original airing date (1962) of the series. I’m always amazed at what movies and TV shows get right about the future. Or maybe they set the bar for things to come, and others work to make them a reality. I’m not sure. But I do know that not many in 1962 would have predicted this generation of students would have access to drones, smartwatches, interactive panels, 3D printing, video conferencing, and more.
If these technological advances could occur in less time than expected, what should we expect in the next decade or so? What kinds of educational advances will our kindergarten students see before they graduate?
I’m curious to see the impact Artificial Intelligence will have on data analysis. I’m also curious if the metaverse will redefine how we deliver our instruction or professionally develop our faculty. I can’t imagine it not.
What about you? What advances do you see happening in our schools?