How ChatGPT will Change Education: Leveraging the Power of Artificial Intelligence to Enhance Learning and Engagement
Samuel Mormando Samuel Mormando

How ChatGPT will Change Education: Leveraging the Power of Artificial Intelligence to Enhance Learning and Engagement

As a Director of Technology, I am always on the lookout for new technologies and approaches that can help me to improve student learning and engagement. Recently, I have been exploring the potential of ChatGPT, an AI-powered chatbot that can assist with teaching and learning. In this post, I want to share some of the ways that I think ChatGPT will change education, and why I think it is an exciting and promising technology for the future of learning.

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Building Student Interactions Through Morning Meetings
Samuel Mormando Samuel Mormando

Building Student Interactions Through Morning Meetings

Building student interactions is the first theme of our professional learning structure, called Effectively Designed Instruction (EDI), and is the focus of all of our elementary school teachers this first trimester.

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Digital Citizenship Awareness Week
Samuel Mormando Samuel Mormando

Digital Citizenship Awareness Week

The week of October 17th is Digital Citizenship Awareness Week. It serves as a reminder that teaching digital citizenship is one of the most important things we can do to prepare students for their futures.

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